Geographical indication protection of “Xín Mần” for Già Dui rice

Thursday, 18/01/2018 16:40 GMT+7
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On 28 September 2017, National Office of Intellectual Property has issued Decision no. 3261/QĐ-SHTT on granting Geographical indication registration certificate no. 00057 for the traditional “Xín Mần” Già Dui rice. Hà Giang Provincial People’s Committee is the organization in charge of managing this GI.

“Xín Mần” Già Dui rice is one of Hà Giang’s specialty that originates from nature. It is one of the distinctive types of rice of Northern mountainous provinces, with thousands of tons supplied to the market. Già Dui are chosen and preserved by the people of Xín Mần commune to protect its genes. “Xín Mần” Già Dui rice has a solid reputation on the market, and its quality proven and accepted by the consumers. “Xín Mần” Già Dui rice is considered a gift from the nature and an unique product of West Hà Giang.


Già Dui rice seeds


“Xín Mần” Già Dui rice is slightly round with average length, its colour is white and has a faint aroma. The length of a single seed is 5,59 - 5,88 mm, the width is 2,54 - 2,69 mm, brown rice percentage is 76,61 - 81,91 %, white rice percentage is 65,98 - 73,54 %, whole grain percentage is 72,25 - 93,55 %. In Xín Mần, the geographical area, Già Dui rice is at its pinnacle in terms of nutrition content and taste, with carbonhydrates content of 66,36 – 72,93 %, high protein content of 8,54 - 9,36 %, high Vitamin B1 content of 0,104 - 0,115 mg/100g of white rice, low amylose content of 13,64 - 14,51 %, high gel strength of 80,34 - 122,29 mm and the rice’s micronutrients are all within allowed threshold. As such, “Xín Mần” Già Dui rice has high quality, when cooked it will have the distinctive aroma, high elasticity, and vastly different taste to other types of rice.                                                        



“Xín Mần” Già Dui rice’s reputation and quality are thanks to the geographical area suitatble to the growth of Già Dui rice and to the experience of the farmers. The geographical area is to the Northwest of Xín Mần district, on the altitude of 800 metre to 1,200 metre above the sea level, the dominating terrain are dome or half dome terrain, pear shaped terrain, or saddle-shaped terrain with slopes, pointy and abrupt at some places, in between, the terrain is harshly separated with a lot of ripples. The climate are tropical monsoon and highland subtropic, annual average temperature 18 - 21oC. Amplitude of temperature variation between day and night is 6 - 7oC. Annual total heat amounts to 8.300 – 8.500 oC. Annual average total rainfall is 1.700 - 2.700 mm, concentrated in June, July and August. Annual average humidity is 80 - 85%. The humidity is not too high for the period of blossom to harvest. Annual average total vaporation 700 - 900 mm. The area has the sole type of soil which is metamorphosed ferralitic soils due to rice plantation. The soil’s mechanical composition is from sandy loam to clay loam. Soil reaction is mostly from acidic to slightly acidic pHKCl between 4,35 - 5,08. The organic carbon content of the soil is medium to high: 1,64 - 2,97% OC. Total protein content is from medium to rich: 0,10 - 0,29% N. Total phosphate content is rich: 0,13 - 0,37% P2O5, bio-available phosphate is poor: 3,46 - 10,98 mg P2O5/100g of soil. Total potassium content is at average level of 0,66 - 2,22% K2O, bio-available potassium is 14,46 - 21,58 mg K2O/100g of soil. High cation exchange capacity, ranging from 16,17 - 24,83 lđl/100g of soil.

Moreover, the people of Xín Mần has accumulated experiences in planting, tending and harvesting Già Dui rice, and therefore are able to produce high quality product. To regulate the nutrition in the soil, make it ventilated for the microorganism to develop, the farmers plough the fields, stir up the soil after the harvest, nourish the soil with organic fertilizers such as cattle manure and green manure taken on the spot from the family’s range. These types of manure can increase the amount of microorganism in the soil, especially cellulose decomposers, protein decomposers and protogenic organism. The farmers also alternate the plants, which helps balancing and enriching the soil’s microorganisms. After harvesting the rice, the farmers can either allow the soil to rest or plant legume for the next crop. Farmers also invest in and apply new technology, allow Già Dui rice to develop sustainably, enhance the reputation of “Xín Mần” Già Dui rice in the market.

Geographical area consists of: communes of Thèn Phàng, Bản Díu, Xín Mần, Chí Cà, Nàn Xỉn, Ngán Chiên, Trung Thịnh, Tà Nhìu, Chế Là, Bản Ngò of Xín Mần district, Hà Giang province./.

View: 3454

Source: NOIP

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