Admission and prosecution of applications for registration of industrial property rights in 2020

Tuesday, 30/03/2021 09:36 GMT+7
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In 2020, IP Viet Nam received 125,689 applications of all kinds (an increase by 4.1% compared to 2019)

Application receiving

In 2020, IP Viet Nam received 125,689 applications of all kinds (an increase by 4.1% compared to 2019), including:

- 76,720 applications for registration of industrial property rights (increased by 1.3% compared to 2019), including: 8,368 applications for inventions/ utility solutions; 3,213 for industrial designs; 55,579 for national trademarks; 9,251 for international trademark applications under the Madrid System originated from Viet Nam; 22 for geographical indications; 287 for international applications originated from Viet Nam;

- The number of other requests was 48,969, including 3,702 requests for application amendments; 1,317 requests for application transfers; 1,989 requests for re-grants/duplicates of protection titles; 10,962 requests for renewals of protection titles; 4,196 requests for renewals of international protection titles originated from Viet Nam; 7,617 requests for amendments of protection titles; 11,000 requests for maintenance of protection titles’ validity; 2,494 requests for assignment of protection titles; 439 requests for license of IP rights; 441 requests for termination/ cancellation of protection titles; 1344 requests for appeals; 2 requests for searches; 2,099 requests for opposition of granting protection titles and 1,367 other requests.

Protection titles granting

In 2020, IP Viet Nam granted 48,072 IP protections (an increase by 18.1% compared to 2019), including 4,597 invention patents/ utility solution patents; 2,066 industrial designs patents; 33,700 national trademark registrations; 7,688 international trademark registrations; 21 geographical indication registrations.

Single-Window System (One-Stop Department) at the Intellectual Property Office Of Vietnam

Upon the request of the Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam on implementation of a single-window and interlinked single-window system for handling administrative procedures, IP Viet Nam have issued documents related to the establishment and operation of the One-Stop Department. The Registration Division coordinated with General Administration Office, Branch Office in Ho Chi Minh City and Branch Office in Da Nang City to implement the Single-Window System. Up to this point, specific operations of the Single-Window System are as follows:

(i) Receiving industrial property registration applications and official documents of Applicants; 

(ii) Coordinating with administrative units to perform administrative procedures; 

(iii) Coordinating with relevant units to collect statistics and make periodic reports or occasional by request reports on registration of industrial property; 

(iv) Coordinating with relevant units to develop and submit for approval by the leaders of IP Viet Nam to issue evaluation forms, forms in the administrative procedure settlement process for organizations and individuals; Satisfaction rating card... 

(v) Since December 1, 2020, activating the operation of the "IPVN Consulting and guiding industrial property registration procedures unit” (IP HelpDesk Division).

The consolidation and implementation of the Single-Window System at IP Viet Nam to facilitate activities of consulting, guiding and receiving applications related to industrial property rights establishment, as well as informing results to applicants. In addition, it is consistent with the spirit of the administrative reform specified in the Government's Decree 61/2018/ND-CP dated April 23, 2018 on “Implementation of the single-window system and interlinked single-window system for handling administrative procedures”.

Figure 1. Reception and filling counters at the One-Stop Department - Registration Division - Head office of the IPVN in Hanoi

Figure 2. Reception and filling counters at the One-Stop Department - Registration Division - Branch Office in Ho Chi Minh City

Figure 3. Reception and filling counters at the One-Stop Department - Registration Division - Branch Office in Da Nang City

View: 9454

Source: IP Vietnam

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