Scientific Workshop on Scenarios for Vietnam Science and Technology Development Strategy by 2020

Friday, 24/09/2010 08:05 GMT+7
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In two days of September 22 – 23, 2010 in Hanoi the National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies (NISTPASS), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), with the United Nations Industry Development Organization’s sponsor...

Participating in the Opening ceremony was Dr. Mai Hà- Director of NITPASS and Ms. Pilar Rodríguez Ruiz, UNIDO’s representative in Hanoi.

The development program on Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (STI) for the 2010-2020 period of Vietnam has been implemented. This Strategy would be integrated in the Social and Economic Development Strategy for the 2010- 2020 period and set big development objectives for the country, in which advancements in the STI system would bring in active contributions. In addition to focuses integrated in innovation activities as key factors in the STI strategy, strengthening Vietnam’s position in spearhead technologies (showed in the Law on High Technology), and significant efforts would be made in order to ensure the effective use and exploitation of S&T knowledge.

Participants of the Workshop were experts in fields relating to STI as public policy agencies, scientific committees, State-owned and private Research and Development (R&D) centers, universities, innovation enterprises, technology parks, Management Boards of high-technology parks.

Professor José Miguel Fernández-Guell, Madrid Poli-technique University – UNIDO’s experts presented on designing scenario types, discussed on factors which lead and affect scenarios; selecting scenarios axles; developing 4 scenarios for 2020. Then experts were divided into 4 groups and worked continuously within the two days to analyze and develop the scenarios to the achievable extent for Vietnam’s S&T by 2020.

This Workshop was within the framework of the Cooperation project on Policy Consultation on Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for the 2011-2020 period and Implementation of the Law on High Technology funded by UNIDO.

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