Professor from Tokyo University visited and worked with the Management Training Institute

Tuesday, 07/12/2010 09:01 GMT+7
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In the implementation of the international cooperation plan on Science and Technology (S&T) 2010, the Management Training Institute (MTI) organized to meet a Japanese expert –Professor, Doctor Toshiya Watanabe from Tokyo University – who visited...

The inviting of Professor Toshiya Watanabe to Vietnam was part of results of the MTI’s delegation, which visited and worked with some Japanese universities this October. During his stay in Hanoi, the Professor had working sessions with the Management Board and managers of Departments, Sections and delivered lectures in extra classes of the School.

On 02/12/2010, Assistant Professor, Doctor Vũ Văn Khiêm –Director of the School had a cordial meeting and working session with Professor Watanabe. Participating in the session were Ms. Trần Thị Xuân –Head of the Office; Mr. Nguyễn Tuấn Hưng –Head of S&T Potential Department; Mr. Bùi Hải Cường –Director of Center for Training and Consultancy Services; Mr. Hoàng Văn Thụ - Deputy Head of the Department of Training and International Cooperation; and some staff in the School.

In the working session, the two parties exchanged and discussed about cooperation opportunities between the MTI and Tokyo University. Some cooperation directions have been agreed by the two parties as the MTI would send staff to participate in some short training courses designed appropriately for Vietnamese participants by Tokyo University, which is expected to organize in July and August annually; cooperation to implement common research projects ….

Professor, Doctor Vũ Văn Khiêm hoped that ProfessorWatanabe would provide active supports for the School. The Professor has been not only respectful in Tokyo University but also had influence on Japanese businessmen and scientists. The Director hoped that the Professor would be the bridge to support the School to expand its cooperative relations with relevant individuals and organizations. Professor Watanabe agreed with the School’s proposal and affirmed he would take efforts to strengthen cooperative relations between the two parties.

Also in the working agenda in Vietnam, on 03/12/2010, Professor Watanabe had an important presentation in the extended scientific session organized by the MTI. The content mentioned by the Professor was on “Some issues on technology management for the current stage”, specifically as technology management for renovation; technology management towards intellectual property; advanced technology innovation; technology management strategies; patent management, intellectual property management in research projects funded by the State.

Participating in the scientific session were more than 20 representatives, who were leaders and managers of agencies inside and outside MOST... and the School’s officials and lecturers. Issues presented by Professor Watanabe have attracted attention of many participants. In the scientific session, the participants discussed and exchanged ideas very enthusiastically.

The visit and working trip paid by Professor, Doctor Toshiya Watanabe to MTI was successfully. The Professor was very happy and excited with the warm and considerate welcome of the School. The visit has contributed to tighten cooperative relations between the MTI and Tokyo University in particular, Japanese partners in general.

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